The story behind Sanaa Gift shop began in 2021 when founder Nyomi Smith spotted a niche gap in the gifts market whilst looking for wrapping paper containing a Black Father Christmas.
Upon realising that such products couldn’t be sourced in the UK were located in the US or aesthetically dated, professional graphic designer Nyomi knew that she could help to create a more inclusive shopping experience for Black and ethnic minority communities in the UK through her creativity. Sanaa Gift Shop was born.
Nyomi intentionally chose the name ‘Sanaa’ - a Swahili word meaning ‘work of art’ - and apt description of how she sees herself.
Through Sanaa’s premium stationary, gifts and art, Nyomi aims to celebrate the beauty of Black culture and ethnic minority people in the mainstream, and remind us that we are all created as works of art. Every purchase contributes to the development of the Sanaa story.
We thank you for your support.